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In the past few days some members of the soccer team I have joined put together a blog site. I'm really interested to see how the blog works out.Context:The team just formally got together a couple of months ago. Many of the 20 (or so) players didn't know each other before our first real practice. I suspect several of the players are unfamiliar with blogging and probably lack a lot of web-efficacy. There are a few of us techies who could potentially facilitate if there are any problems.
Future?As yet we haven't found a really good means of communication for the large group. Different personal schedules and several city league cancellations/schedule changes have made it tough to get to know and appreciate one another's abilities on and off the field.In three days the blog has been populated with about 10 members and a dozen or so posts/comments. It will be fun to see how such an intimately detached social technology as blogging will facilitate the growth of a nascent football club.
I seem to have fallen in to a comfortable stride recently. Despite being sick for the better part of the past week, things are clipping along at a good tempo. Coughing late at night has left my sleep schedule in shambles, but that's neither here nor there. Though it has given me ample time to tighten some of the screws on my personal site, and finally collect artifacts for my portfolio.I have a pretty big job interview in a couple of days. The results of said interview will have some pretty lasting effects on how Tammy and I pursue the next few years. I know, it seems like a lot of weight to put on an interview. But the position seems like it would make purchasing a living space and giving Gainesville the ol' college try (again) a worthwhile investment.For those of you who missed the show on 2/17, the opening band put together a short film about the evening. Have a gander (said the goose).
Personal NewsIt's been a while since I have sat down to add an entry. Hopefully things will get rolling again here soon. I recently had a run in with the pesky little fairies that make my computer turn on and talk to the web. Apparently they weren't very happy with the Bloglines subscriptions I have maintained for the past 6 months or so, and they decided to get rid of them. I emailed the nymphs in CA that maintain the Bloglines servers, but I think it may have been too little too late. We'll see. My old band, Edward the Bear, will be getting back together for another famous reunion show Saturday, Feb. 17, around 10 or 1030pm. Any and all are welcome. I believe the cover will be a 5 spot. Hope to see you there. I am in the process of changing jobs. I fell in to a bit of a financial hole last semester and decided I was better off working full-time, and going to school part-time. I can't really see any problem with slowing down the progression of school if I can get hands-on experience in the mean time. All of that should be straightened out in the next couple of weeks. In other newsI was pretty excited to see Barack Obama declare his presidential candidacy via a live web cast this past Saturday morning. He is quickly mounting a strong campaign presence on the web. The site devoted to his campaign,, actually provides a portal to a social networking community developed specifically for interested voters. One can develop a personal profile, network with like-minded individuals, and create a political blog. I think this is pretty ingenious and it shows quite a bit of connection with contemporary trends. And probably a well-recruited group of advisers.