
New Course in the College of Journalism

I just got a heads up on a new class, MMC 6936: Developing Digital Online Learning in the CoJ. It looks like it should provide a lot of hands on training in digital media development. It meets on Tuesday mornings in a CIRCA lab and culminates in a semester-long, faculty-advised project.

I think I will take it because the Advanced Online Media Production course (also MMC6936) with Professor Mindy McAdams conflicts with Professor Ferdig's Society and Culture class.

-thought you (all) might be interested


พ่อบ้านเล่างานวิจัย said...

Ben - the course looks really interesting. I do need more hands on experiences in media production.

Michael Kung said...

Hi Ben! This sounds like a great class. Thanks for sharing. After my technical development project in video streaming, I found that I've become quite interested in video editing. I think I'll be signing up for this class
- Michael