
Just to be clear...

I mentioned in a previous post I intend to learn ActionScript 2 for my Authentic Technical PD. These are the steps I will take to complete this goal and deliver a finished product in the form of an Information Security General Awareness Training Module.
  • 2. Writing the script: I am currently re-working the script from version 1.0 of the SPICE General Awareness training (this re-writing is a collaborative process in which I write and make edits based on input from my supervisor and the IS systems analyst) Completion Date: Oct. 1
  • 3. Recording the script: I have equipment and narration training to make this process quick and painless Completion Date: Oct. 3
  • 4. Design and program module: Here's where the hair pulling will start Completion Date: Nov. 1
I look forward to the learning experience and the future applications acquiring this skill will enable.


Anonymous said...

On a comment binge today:

You probably know that Action Script is JavaScript modified for Flash. It is much more marketable to have an understanding of "both". Master JavaScript and you have a pretty good understanding of how dot-syntax object-oriented programming works as well.

Hearandnow said...

I honestly didn't know Action Script is modified JavaScript. I probably should have. But...

To be completely honest I have very little coding knowledge of any stripe. I can code some xhtml and CSS, but I'd rather just let Dreamweaver do it for me. Though I don't doubt I should bone up on some code. I think PHP and database integration would be pretty useful as well. Well, there's always tomorrow.