My major issue with the article has to do with an analogy she tries to draw between Peer To Peer file sharing and vinyl records:
I grew up in an age when pirated music was prevalent; to me, the idea of paying for music online is still somewhat strange. I might as well go out and buy the CD for a similar price or cheaper, and get some great cover art while I'm at it. I guess to this bunch of college kids, CD art is as foreign as vinyl. Do I smell a generation gap?As someone who actually enjoys buying music on vinyl, I think the author should know vinyl is selling more now than it has in almost 15 years. With a 12" canvas, the buyer really gets to see what the artist had in mind to accompany their music visually. And many record labels have made a very smart move by offering the buyer a coupon with a password allowing the buyer to download the album for play on their mp3 player.
ps.........don't steal music.
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